Festival > Guests

Anita Sancha
Anita believes in a future green sustainable world community and feels that her eco animations can make a difference. She has had emails from all over the world and finds it as very encouraging. Often shown in schools and environmental talks and workshops, she feels that these small short films are making a difference. She even has a fan club in a school in Spain! Anita creates her films not using any language, besides the language of art, and usually with a happy end. This way they can cross language barriers with a positive green message. She works from home in a small studio. Her works involve toys, clay (plasticine) models, drawings and a computer. She is completely self-taught with the help of online YouTube lessons and she just experiments... She thinks that her “animations may not be brilliant”, but she just wants to deliver a message. Anita also visits and works with youths and kids and makes animations with them. She has won several film awards and even a lunch with Al Gore! www.anitasancha.co.ukSearch: